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The Root Chakra - Muladhara
Located at the base of the spine. Associated with the colour Red.
Element of Earth. It is the seat of the life force energy and assists in keeping us grounded to the earth. Physically relates to the spinal column, the lower back, kidneys, adrenals, colon, legs and feet.
The Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana
Located below the naval. Associated with the colour Orange. Element of Water. It is the source of creativity, inspiration, sexuality. Physically relates to the spleen, bladder, liver and kidneys and reproductive system.
The Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura
Located just below the rib cage. Associated with the colour Yellow. Element of Fire. It is the source of will power, gut instincts, sense and feel. Physically relates to the nervous system, digestive system, stomach and adrenals.
The Heart Chakra - Anahata
Located at the center of the chest. Associated with the colour green/pink. Element Air. It is the centre of love and emotion, empathy and compassion, and resonates at a higher frequency. Aids with clairesentience. Phisically relates to the heart and circulatory system.
The Throat Chakra - Vishuddha
Located at the throat. Associated with the colour Blue. Elements of Ether & Sound.
It is the source of the voice and self-expression, through writing or speech, trusting to speak with truth and integrity. Aids with claireaudience. Physically relates to the ears, thyroid, and lungs.
The Third Eye Chakra - Ajana
Located at the centre of the forehead between the eye brows. Associated with the colour purple/indigo. Elements of light & thought. It is known as the pyschic centre, the all seeing eye, Used in claivoyance and meditation. Physically relates to the brain, eye, ears, nose, the pituitary gland and nervous system.
The Crown Chakra - Sahasra
Located at the top above the head. Associated with the colour White. Element Light. This chakra vibrates at the highest frequency. It is the source of conciousness, oneness, universal knowledge and spiritualism and connects to the divine. enables a link with spirit guides, higher self, God and the universe.
Physically relates to the brain, nervous sytsem, the pineal and pituitary gland.
The Chakras
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