Welcome to The World of Empaths

Have you ever been told that you are 'too sensitive' or ever felt drained from people and places or experience high levels of anxiety and hurt? Are you naturally drawn to the spiritual realm and feel that there is more to you that others just don't seem to understand then most likely you are an Empath.
Everyone can show a certain amount of empathy or feel a sense of concern towards a certain situation, or naturally feel moved, thats human nature, now what i'm talking about here are the 'Highly Sensitive' Empaths with traits and abilities that go far beyond everyday empathy. The Highly Sensitive Empaths who live and feel on totally different level.
An Empath is a person who has an open spirit, they are intuitive people who have the innate ability to sense the seen and unseen. Being and Empath is not something that is learned, it is a natural part of who they are and are born with. What I hope to do here is to give some insight about Empaths and the highly sensitive gained from my own experience and knowledge that fully resonates with me. Within these few pages you will find the following topics to help you along your own journey of self-discovery and learning;
Firstly though, there are many basic or common traits that an Empath has. Below are just a few of them that you may identify with.
Empaths are naturally drawn to the gentleness and calming effects of nature, plants, animals and elements. They love being near water.
Empaths are very aware and have a natural affinity to the spiritual realm.
They are overwhelmed by the energies of crowds, people, places leaving them feeling tired and drained.
They struggle with any type of violence whether its on the TV, in newspapers, in music or media.
Empaths know when people are being untruthful. They are aware when someone is saying one thing but feeling another, because an empath feels it.
Empaths usually prefer to not eat meat as they can feel the emotions of the animal.
They have a huge dislike for narcissim and do not like to be around people who have manipulative or egotistical personalities.
Empaths are always being told that they are "too sensitive".
Empaths feel and absorb the energies and emotions of others as though they are their own.
They are highly creative people.
Empaths have a need for solitude and enjoy time alone.