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Welcome to..... A New Dawn
"A New Dawn is a wonderful metaphor for any new beginning...
it's a new dawn, a new day... , a new beginning, a new you - the real you...
to have the freedom to shine your light
and it makes you feel good! "
Welcome my friends, within this site you will find relevant pages that you are welcome to explore.
If you are familiar with the notion of Empaths, energy vampires and the odd narcisist ! Then there is a little section just for you. It is my sincere wish that if you have encountered these types of personalities and think you maybe an Empath, and most likely you are, that you find some solace and understanding of who you truly are as an Empath and what it means.
And feel free to check out the meditation and relaxation music for some much needed time out for your well-being, with a little inspiration ...enjoy!
Click on the links below:
Insight. Empath's . Card for The Week. Taking Good Care for Empaths
Relaxation Music & Wellbeing
Trust in Spirit...
I have been very lucky and feel humbled and blessed for the connection that I have with my spirit guides and angels, they have been a constant companion throughout my own life and at times were the only friends in my darkest of days. I don,t always see them but I know they are always there and they let me know that they are by my side.
There are times in all our lives when life can throw some hurdles at us. There can be many things, it can be the loss of a loved one, health problems, painful relationships, karmic or life's soul lessons, whatever the circumstances maybe, some of these experiences can be hurtful and painful and letting go of the past can be a difficult process and that is a journey in itself. Some people seem to bounce back quite quickly, but for some of us, recovery and healing can take a little longer. But no matter how long it takes, please know that you are loved and are never on your own. From my own life's personal experiences and as a victim and survivor of an abusive relationship, I hope to uplift and inspire people, not only to believe in the essence and the love that spirit hold for us, but also to believe in ourselves and that a new dawn can awaken in all of us. No matter how tough things are, greater things can come. If I can do can you.
Remember to 'Ask ' for guidance and help from your Spirit Guides, Angels, God, Jesus, Mother Earth, or passed loved ones, your team. Whatever you feel, just trust and know that they are always with you, and will pull you through, to give the courage you need. Know that they are walking hand in hand with you every step of the way. Allow yourself to grow and move forward, to believe in yourself and....Awaken!
much love xx
"Show your face to the sun
and let your heart beam with light"

Card for the here

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