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Taking Good Care for an Empath
I know that living as an Empath can be physically and emotionally exhausting, often encountering painful emotions combined with the constant struggle to overcoming them and working out what belongs to you, and what dose not, and what are your own thoughts and what are not. The anxieties experienced can be off the scale at times. So we have to put things in place to keep ourselves well.
In order for an Empath to keep functioning taking care of ourselves is a very necessary and important part of our well being. Once an Empath starts to be more aware and understand how energies are affecting them it can make life a little easier, so steps need to be taken to safeguard you, protect you and take care of you. This needs to become a natural part of everyday life. By helping ones self to cleanse, stay balanced and in harmony raises the bodies energy vibration which can also bring a more positive outlook.
A few tips that can help.
Setting Boundaries
Setting boundaries is tricky business for an Empath, but necessary. It is challenging but well worth it. Set boundaries by saying the word 'no' can feel unpleasant for a highly sensitive Empath as we value good manners and tend to feel guilty. But boundaries need to be set . You decide where you go and when. If things get too much, give yourself permission and remove yourself from situations that are uncomfortable. If you have to be around energies that drain you then limit the amount of time and contact spent.
Avoiding Triggers
If you struggle with triggers, and you recognize what they are. Remember you are allowed to remove yourself from the situation. Have a coping plan, so for instance excuse yourself and go to the bathroom, go outside, use breathing techniques to calm yourself, use affirmations or mantras, use a prayer, go home or retreat to a safe place until the feelings subside or if its a person triggering you has gone. It dose not matter what other people think, those that know you will understand and that's enough!
Trust Your Intuition.
Trusting your intuition is one of our greatest gifts. Use it. Learn to trust it. If something doesn't feel quite right its time to back off, slow down and wait.
Lift Your Energies With Like Minded People.
Being around people with a positive outlook and like minded people can helps to raising your vibration and help you to feel positive. Laugh, dance and play music.
Time Out and Solitude.
Enjoy taking time out for yourself and having some solitude allows you time to just be, it helps to rebalance and heal from difficult energies and tiredness. Allow yourself time out to regain your sense of self.
Find Your Yoga Practice.
Yoga is fantastic, it helps all aspects, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. It helps to calm and quieten and focus the mind. Helps to build yourself worth and confidence.
Salt Baths.
Using dead sea salts, in a bubble bath cleanses the aura from negative energies. Add a few drops of lavender other essential oils of your choice which can be a great help to relieve anxieties, help you to relax and improve your mood and sleep.
Rescue Remedies.
There are a whole array of rescue remedies to use. Traditionally used by placing a few drops or spray under the tongue. Good for coping with anxiety.
Using crystals have been used have many benefits, there is a crystal for everything, each has its own unique healing properties. Crystals can be worn, held in the palm placed under the pillow, used as elixirs and crystal healing therapy.
Holistic Therapies.
Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Spiritual Healing or Reiki are just a few well-being therapies available that treat you as a whole, mind, body and spirit. A lovely way to unwind and relax and re-balance your spiritual self.
Certain types spiritual music helps to change and create a balanced atmosphere in a room and for yourself.
Meditation is a must, even if its just ten minutes has many benefits and is good practice for an Empath. You can do relaxation meditations, visualization, or just peace and quiet.
Daily Prayers and Protection.
Its so important and is a must to use prayers of protection daily. Using prayer and protection literally gives you protection from absorbing to much negative energy and becoming drained from others and places you visit and when working spiritually.
Smudging and Cleansing.
Smudging is about purifying and cleansing people and places from negative energies.You can also burn incense, and candles.
Being Near Water.
Water represents the emotions and Empaths have a affinity to the effects of water. Take
a walk along the seafront, sitting next to a stream or babbling brook or waterfalls, help to release anxieties and calm the mind.
Earth energies.
Being out doors, being amongst the trees , tree hugging, take your shoes and socks off and go barefoot. Stand on the grass so you can feel the earth filter out negative energies giving a lovely sense of well being and grounding. You can also lay down on with your solar plexus to the earth this releases pent up energies, feelings, emotions and anxieties.
Spirit Guides.
Our spirit guides and angels, the team, are always with you guiding and protecting. Have you talked to them lately?
Energy Vampires
Energy vampires are people who drain you of your energy. It is important to use pyschic protection around these or avoid being around them. It is important to note not every body realizes they are doing this, it is very different from who is sick , or tired from a hard day to someone who is deliberately doing it such as someone who has a negative energy persay!.
Look After Yourself.
Living a life for a Highly Sensitive Empath is a way of life and its certainly not for the faint hearted, and when people say to you or think that you are 'too sensitive', remember that it takes the greatest of strength within to live the lives we do.
There is much much more to being an Empath than what you have read here.
If your journey has just begun I am sure that you will continue to evolve and grow in your gift. I hope you will discover and enhance your knowledge as an Empath. I hope that from one Highly Sensitive Empath fellow to another, that as you grow and learn to embrace your gift you will naturally learn how to use it and keep yourself well to enhance your life for you and others.
Take Good Care Now!
Live Passionately and be a force for the universe to use.

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