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The Effects of a Narcissist for an Empath
Living life as a Highly Sensitive Empath is a beautiful gift and one that should be harnessed and welcomed and never be made to feel ashamed of.
Empaths have very an attractive spirit and are extremely compassionate, with a huge heart, they are good listeners and trustworthy who want to care and help. This is a wonderful trait and very appealing to other people, unfortunately though, this can lead the Empaths being taken advantage of, as they also attracts the worst kind of people with negative energies and personalities - sociopaths, narcissists and people who are of a manipulative nature. For the Highly Sensitive Empath this type of relationship is very toxic and the long term affects are devastating. Every kind of abuse takes place , physical, sexual, emotional, mental, verbal, manipulation, exploitation, gaslighting, humiliation and disrespect . If you multiply this a thousand times over then your close realizing the affects it has for an Empath.
As as a survivor myself, this is something quite close to my heart, and feel now that it is something that people and other Empaths should be aware of, and it 'does' happen a lot lot more than people realize and that it is also very real. People do not always comprehend the harm and damage these people can inflict on a Highly Sensitive Empath, or any unsuspecting person for that matter, especially in a long term relationship.
So lets take a closer look.
The Narcissist
The term narcissist is used to describe people who have a personality disorder. NPD. Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The spectrum ranges from high to low with varying degrees of behaviour, showing regular patterns of self-centerdness and arrogance. They have a constant need to be loved and admired. They can appear to be charming and sensitive, but mask their true self to others, they have grand ideas of their own sense of self, grandiose and that no one can feel or love or work as hard as they do, no one understands them. Always playing the victim by making people feel sorry for them, and never accept responsibility for anything, ever!. They are passive aggressive and have to be in control of everyone and thing, they lie and manipulate, they have no regard for anyone else's feelings only for their own. They will stop at nothing to be in control to get what they want even at the violation of others. They are very selfish but like to appear to be the opposite, they just take, take take, while the Empath just give, give give. It isn't always what they say and do but how they say and do it!.
The Sociapath/Psycopath - Anti Social Personality Disorder
Sociapath and Psychopath are term's used to refer to someone with Anti-social Personality Disorder.
They do not understand other peoples feelings, break rules and make impulsive decisions and have no guilt about any harm they may cause. Sociapath's can also use 'mind games' to control friends and family members but also like to be perceived as charming and charismatic.
Other traits of someone with ASPD also include, showing no emotion, use humour or intelligence to manipulate others, have a sense of superiority and strong unwavering opinions, unable to keep friendships, control others through intimidation, threats, acts of violence and fear, regularly threaten the act of suicide, become addicted to alcohol and drugs.
Gaslighting is truly horrendous . It is the cruel slow burn affect of psyhcological, brainwashing and manipulation and emotional abuse. Different tactics are used knowingly against the victim to gain the maximum affect for that of the manipulator's needs and to gain control and power. This leads the unsuspecting victim to lose their self-worth, perception, identity and think they are losing their minds.
The impact for an Empath.
Empaths are naturally open beings of light, this is very attractive to people with these negative traits, as they have no perception of emotion and feelings. It is non existent . This is where the Empath's come in to fill that need. We naturally want to please others and feel needed, and so easy to manipulate. They are like vampires and feed of the Empath. We are easy pray, always seeing the best in people, we are vulnerable to these kinds of personalities and abuse.
Who are these people?.. you might well ask. It can be anyone they don't come with a sign stuck to their forehead, but they are usually , a parent, so called friends and co workers, bosses and spouses.
It is true to say however that the most damaging is from long term relationships, ones that seem impossible to get away from. As the Empath is often unaware of what is happening to them before its too late.
Because Empaths internalize emotions of others in the end 'Everything' an Empath stands for is violated.
The affects of long term abuse like this will lead to depression, emotional and mental health issues and can cause severe breakdown and professional help is encouraged.
Post traumatic stress is the fall out due to the affects of this type of abusiveness experienced in the relationship which can last for many years after.
From me to you
Its not possible to avoid negative energies but it is possible to safe guard ourselves from them. But honestly, the only way is to 'get out' ( it is allowed.). Remove them all from your orbit. If not you have to learn to set strong boundaries. As you start to move up and out, these people are like boomerangs as they keep coming back to try and feed. Learn to love and respect yourself first. They do not own you, you are not responsible for other peoples actions, it is their reality to live.. you don' t have to live it too!
I had no idea myself that I had been 'Gaslighted, and experiencing Post Traumatic Stress until I went through almost three years of counselling and it was my therapist that made me aware of such toxic types of personalities. If it wasn't enough that I had been married to one, I was also made aware that a parent was one too. So I hadn't stood a chance.
It has taken me the best part of ten years to heal and recover. It has been a journey of self love and growth of every part of me to become the woman I am today. Along the way I have had to re learn to walk, talk , eat and sleep. I have cried and healed over and took back my power . It 's been a full on journey of discovery and personal transformation and one, I now believe, has been worth taking.
I am a survivor, and I am a warrior...and if I touch only one person from all this then it will make my heart shine, and so from my own personal experiences and as a victim and survivor of an abusive narcissistic/empath relationship of fifteen years, I hope to uplift and inspire people, not only to believe in the essence and the love that spirit hold for us, but also to believe in ourselves and that a New Dawn can awaken in all of us. No matter how tough things are, greater things can come.
If you yourself are or have endured something like this, my heart goes out to you.
It is possible to come through it all. No one has the right to disrespect you and take away your power. Don't play their games ! Making a stand is painful I know, but it is the first step of self love and respect and will be the best step you will ever take. Believe your worth,
learn what your triggers are and how to cope. Take care of you, once you do you I can assure you that your awareness of these personalities will be so heightened and have what I call an allergic reaction to these people. This will act as your personal radar.
It is my sincere wish that if you have encountered negative types of personalities as an Empath, that you find some solace and understanding as an Empath and what it means to live as one and the importance of staying the hell away from narcissistic and destructive personalities for your own well-being and mental health. No one has the right to disrespect you. Allow the universe to remove them from your orbit.
Don't ever give up and become the beautiful shining person you truly are!

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